Which Scopus Indexed Journals are published fastest?

Scopus Indexed Journals


In academics and research, publishing in Scopus indexed journals is often considered a benchmark for quality and credibility. Scopus, being one of the biggest abstract and quotation databases of peer-reviewed literature, gives visibility and recognition to published works. However, by means of researchers is the lengthy publication manner process. The rapid sense of publication may be important for the timely dissemination of study findings, securing investment, professional advancement, and maintaining the relevance of the research work. Let’s delve deeper to explore the significance of Scopus indexing, factors affecting publication speed, and perceive a number of the rapidly publishing Scopus Indexed Journals across numerous subjects.

Importance of Scopus Indexing

Scopus indexing is crucial for several reasons: 

  • Credibility and Recognition: Journals listed in Scopus are prepared to access rigorous peer-evaluation methods and adherence to high academic requirements, ensuring credibility and scholarly reputation. 
  • Visibility and Impact: Being indexed in Scopus enhances the visibility of research studies, leading to better citation prices and more impact in the academic community. 
  • Career Advancement: Publications in Scopus Indexed Journals are often considered in educational opinions, promotions, and funding choices, assisting in career progression. 
  • Networking and Collaboration: Publishing in legit journals facilitates networking with other researchers and fosters opportunities for collaboration. 

Factors Influencing Publication Speed

Several factors can impact the speed of publishing in Scopus indexed journals are

  • Journal Policies: Some journals have streamlined editorial procedures and policies that prioritize specific books. 
  • Peer-Review Process: The efficiency and thoroughness of the peer-review method plays a pivotal position in determining the speed of publication. Scopus Indexed Journals with faster and greater efficient assessment approaches tend to delve faster. 
  • Submission Quality: High-satisfactory, properly organized journals that adhere to journal guidelines are much more likely to be processed quickly. 
  • Journal Frequency: Journals that put up problems extra often (e.g. monthly or bi-month-to-month) may additionally offer quicker precise timelines. 
  • Editorial Workflow: The internal workflow and efficiency of the editorial group also can affect the speed of the booklet procedure. 

Fastest Publishing Scopus Indexed Journals

While booklet timelines can vary, a few Scopus-indexed journals are recognized for their fantastically fast journal techniques. Below are examples of such journals across various kinds of diverse subjects

Medicine and Health Sciences 

  • BMC Medicine 

Publisher: BioMed Central 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: BMC Medicine is an open right of entry to a journal that publishes research articles throughout all areas of subjects. Known for its rapid evaluation method and quick journal timelines, it presents an extraordinary platform for well-timed medical research

  • Journal of Medical Case Reports 

Publisher: BioMed Central 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: This journal focuses on case reports in all fields of medicine, providing a platform for sharing medical studies. It is identified for its expedited book method. 

  • BMJ Open 

Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: BMJ Open publishes medical research from all disciplines and therapeutic areas. It is thought of for its efficient assessment technique and quick turnaround times

  • Journal of Clinical Medicine 

Publisher: BioMed Central 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: This journal publishes superb clinical and laboratory studies in all areas of medicine, Scopus Indexed Journals recognized for its fast editorial process 

Engineering and Technology 

  • IEEE Access 

Publisher: IEEE 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: IEEE Access is a multidisciplinary, open get right of entry to Scopus journal that publishes studies articles in various fields of engineering and technology. Please find below the findings, root cause & resolution for the items below 

  • Applied Sciences 

Publisher: MDPI 

Frequency: Monthly 

Description: Applied Sciences is an open-get admission to journal that covers an extensive variety of topics in implemented physics, chemistry, engineering, and era. It has a recognition in brief

  • Sensors 

Publisher: MDPI 

Frequency: Semi-Monthly 

Description: Sensors publishes studies on the science and era of sensors and sensing systems. Known for its efficient editorial procedure, it gives fast booklets

  • Journal of Engineering 

Publisher: Hindawi 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: This open-access journal covers all areas of engineering and is prepared for its brief assessment and guide system

  • Electronics 

Publisher: MDPI 

Frequency: Monthly 

Description: Electronics publishes research on all components of electronics, including theoretical, experimental, and applied research. It is understood for its speedy editorial technique 

Social Sciences and 

  • SAGE Open 

Publisher: SAGE Publications 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: SAGE Open publishes authentic studies and  articles within the social and behavioral sciences and the arts. It is recognized for its timely journal procedure 

  • Frontiers in Psychology 

Publisher: Frontiers 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: Frontiers in Psychology is an open-get entry to journal covering all elements of psychology. It is thought of for its green peer-evaluation device and book timelines


Publisher: Public Library of Science (PLOS) 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: PLOS ONE is an open get right of entry to a journal masking primary research from any area inside technology and remedy. It is known for its rapid evaluation and book approaches 

  • Journal of Social Sciences 

Publisher: MDPI 

Frequency: Monthly 

Description: This Scopus Indexed Journals publishes research in all regions of social sciences and is understood for its timely guide procedure 

  • International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 

Publisher: Springer 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: This journal makes a specialty of studies in educational sphere and its corse in higher training. It is prepared for its efficient editorial manner 

Life Sciences and Environmental Sciences 

  • Scientific Reports 

Publisher: Nature Research 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: Scientific Reports is an open-get admission to journal that publishes studies within the natural and medical sciences. It is identified for its rapid peer-evaluate manner and brief publication. 


Publisher: Public Library of Science (PLOS) 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: PLOS ONE covers primary research from any area inside technological know-how and medicine. It is thought for its rapid review and guide approaches 

  • BMC Ecology and Evolution 

Publisher: BioMed Central 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: This journal publishes research on all aspects of ecology and evolution. It is known for its quick editorial process 

  • Journal of Environmental Management 

Publisher: Elsevier 

Frequency: Monthly 

Description: This journal covers research at the control of the environment and natural resources. It is recognized for its efficient review and timely process 

  • Environmental Sciences Europe 

Publisher: Springer 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: This open right of Scopus Indexed Journals entry to publishes studies on environmental sciences and is understood for its quick review and proper manner 

Business and Management 

  • Journal of Business Research 

Publisher: Elsevier 

Frequency: Monthly 

Description: The Journal of Business Research applies principles advanced from commercial studies to actual business situations. The journal is understood for its especially brief review method 

  • International Journal of Project Management 

Publisher: Elsevier 

Frequency: Bi-month-to-month 

Description: This journal affords a platform for sharing studies on project control practices and theories. It is diagnosed for its efficient editorial procedure 

  • Sustainability 

Publisher: MDPI 

Frequency: Semi-Monthly 

Description: Sustainability covers research on the environmental, cultural, monetary, and social sustainability of humans. It is known for its  booklet method 

  • Journal of Business Economics and Management 

Publisher: Taylor & Francis 

Frequency: Continuous 

Description: This journal publishes research on business economics and management, offering a fast publication process 

  • Business Strategy and the Environment 

Publisher: Wiley 

Frequency: Monthly 

Description: This journal covers research on the interface between business and the environment. It is recognized for its efficient review process. 

Tips for Faster Publication

To improve your possibilities of a quicker guide, recollect the following pointers

  • Choose the Right Journal: Select journals regarded for their fast guide approaches. Check the journal’s website for information on common assessment and journal instances. 
  • Follow Submission Guidelines: Ensure that your manuscript strictly adheres to the journal’s submission guidelines, together with formatting, referencing sources, and required documentation. 
  • Prepare a Strong Manuscript: Submit a well-prepared manuscript with clear, concise, and remarkable content material. Proofread your work to keep away from errors that could delay the overview procedure. 
  • Engage with the Reviewers: Respond promptly and constructively to reviewer feedback and pointers. Address their issues thoroughly to expedite the assessment manner. 
  • Consider Open Access Journals: Open get entry to journal regularly have quicker publication timelines due to their continuous publishing model. 

Final Thoughts

Achieving fast publication in Scopus Indexed Journals is feasible with the aid of choosing the proper journals and following exceptional practices for manuscript practice and submission. The journals listed are recognized for their efficient guide procedures, supplying precious alternatives for researchers across numerous subjects. By understanding the elements influencing the journal and taking proactive steps, researchers can enhance their chances of timely updation of their work, ensuring that their contributions to academia are recognized and utilized promptly. Publishing fast is not only about choosing the right journal but also about submitting high-quality work that meets the journal’s standards. Researchers should focus on producing robust and well-prepared journals which turn out to be engaging. 

Frequently asked questions

Subjects which include medicinal engineering, social sciences, lifestyles sciences, and business often have journals recognized for their exceedingly techniques. In medication, journals like BMC Medicine and BMJ Open are considered due to their accountability. Engineering journals including IEEE Access and Applied Sciences are also known for quick In the social sciences, journals like SAGE Open and Frontiers in Psychology provide rapid turnaround times. Similarly, sciences and environmental sciences journals, inclusive of Scientific Reports and PLOS ONE.

To boom your chances of a fast publication, pick out journals known for faster procedures and observe their submission tips meticulously. Ensure that your manuscript is properly organized, with clean, concise, and tremendous content material. Proofread your work thoroughly to keep away from errors that would put off the evaluation process. Respond promptly and constructively to reviewer comments and pointers, addressing their issues comprehensively. Consider submitting to open-access journals, which often have faster journal timelines due to their continuous publishing version. Engaging with the editorial crew and keeping clear verbal exchanges can also expedite the entire procedure.

Generally, open- access to journals are quicker in publishing because they often function on a non-stop publishing version, which allows them to publish articles as quickly as they may be prepared, without ready for a complete issue to be compiled. This version removes the delays as well. This also eliminates the delays associated with traditional print publication schedules. Additionally, many open-access journals prioritize rapid dissemination of research to maximize accessibility and impact. Journals like PLOS ONE, BMC Medicine, and IEEE Access are examples of open-access journals known for their efficient editorial processes and fast publication times, making them attractive options for researchers seeking timely publication.

The peer-review procedure includes a crucial evaluation of a manuscript by impartial specialists in the identical discipline of research. It serves as a quality mechanism to make certain the validity, significance, and originality of the studies before booklet. The method commonly includes numerous steps: the journal editor assesses the manuscript's suitability, selects reviewers, and sends the manuscript for overview. Reviewers provide comments and hints, that could range from recognition to essential revisions or rejection. The writer responds to the feedback, and the revised manuscript undergoes in addition overview if vital. This rigorous method upholds the integrity of clinical studies.

Yes, most instructional journals offer online structures that permit authors to know the popularity of their manuscripts all through the submission and assessment procedure. After submitting your manuscript, you may get hold of login credentials to access the journal’s manuscript monitoring . This machine offers updates on numerous stages, which includes submission receipt, peer-assessment progress, revision requests, and  decisions. Keeping track of these updates helps authors stay informed about their  progress and count on any actions required, together with responding to reviewer comments or making revisions, thereby facilitating a smoother and more efficient guide method.

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