What is Pubmed Indexed Journals? Top 10 Pubmed Indexed Journals 2023!

What is Pubmed Indexed Journals?

PubMed indexed journals are scholarly publications included in the PubMed database, providing access to medical and scientific research articles.

Top 10 Pubmed Indexed Journals 2023

4. Dentistry: Advanced Research: Presents cutting-edge research in the field of dentistry.

5. Emergency Medicine Investigations: Publishes studies and investigations related to emergency medicine.

6. Chronic Pain & Management: Discusses the management and treatment of chronic pain conditions.

7. Journal of Surgery: Features articles on various surgical techniques and advancements.

8. Archives of Epidemiology: Contains epidemiological research findings and analysis.

9. Archives of Palliative Care and Medicine: Focuses on palliative care and medical research for patients with life-limiting illnesses.

10. Current Trends in Medical Diagnostic Methods: Explores emerging trends and innovations in medical diagnostic techniques.

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