How to Write an Article That Will Get Read: The Ultimate Formatting Guide

A well-formatted article is easy to read and scannable, which is essential for keeping readers engaged. It also helps to make your article look more professional and credible.


Choose the right article format:

– Three-part structure: introduction, body, conclusion – Listicle: a list of items on a particular topic – How-to guide: step-by-step instructions on how to do something – Case study: a detailed analysis of a particular example – Interview: a conversation with an expert on a particular topic

Write effective headlines:

– Clear, concise, and attention-grabbing – Accurate reflection of the article content – Use strong, active verbs – Be specific and informative – Use numbers and keywords – Pose a question – Create a sense of urgency

Format your body copy for readability:

– Use short paragraphs and sentences – Use bullet points and numbered lists to break up your text – Use transition words and phrases to help your reader follow your train of thought – Cite your sources to support your claims – Proofread your work carefully before publishing it

Use images and videos to break up your text and make your article more visually appealing.

Promote your article on social media and other channels to reach a wider audience.

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